Adding/Editing a Doctor’s Status as Consultant

  1. Click on the settings icon in the top-right corner and select Ray Settings.

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  1. Go to Practice Staff section and click on the Add Doctor button.

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  1. Fill in the doctor’s details, select Consultant from the options on the screen and click on the Add Doctor button.

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  1. You’ll notice that the new doctor is added to the Practice Staff list with a role of Doctor+Consultant. He’ll be notified about it via email.

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  1. You can change the status of existing doctors from Doctor+Administrator to Doctor+Consultant. Simply click on Edit option next to the doctor whose role you wish to change. The screen in the step 3 will open. You can update the doctor’s role as a consultant from here.

What consultants can access

  1. A consultant can access only his Calendar, Records and Health Feed sections. Tabs, communications, reports, profiles and settings are not visible to him.
  2. Billing section which includes invoices and payments is not visible to the consultant.
  3. A consultant does not have administrative privileges like adding a new doctor or adding appointment and event for another doctor.