What is Recommendation Score? How is it calculated?

Recommendation score is calculated from patient feedback. It is computed by taking into account what percentage of all recommendations are positive.

Why is the recommendation score not visible for all doctors?

Practo has a display policy of showing recommendation score only if at least 10 recommendations have been received. It won’t be visible until it crosses this limit. The score will start display as soon as a doctor receives 10 recommendations. This threshold might change in future.

Why has Practo moved to a new system?

Practo received a lot queries and inputs from our users who mentioned that our earlier system was not comprehensive and transparent enough. In our endeavour towards making Practo feedback more useful, we have moved to this new system.

How can I improve my recommendation score?

You can improve your score by giving a better experience to your patients, increasing their likelihood of recommending you on practo.

What is Appointment Experience Score?

Appointment experience score is an aggregate score calculated on the basis of  doctor no-shows, wait time, appointment cancellation/rescheduling rate and the clinic ratings.

How can a clinic improve its Appointment Experience Score?

You can improve the Appointment Experience Score by :

  1. Seeing patients on time and not making them wait

  2. Honouring all booked appointments

  3. Improving in clinic patient experience

Why is Appointment Experience Score not visible for all doctors ?

Practo has a policy to display Appointment Experience Score only after minimum of 5 users have given feedback about your clinic. This threshold might change in future.