‘Supercharged SMS’ is a default feature of Practo Ray, and refers to those messages that contain the Practo app download link. This free integration of Practo Ray with the Practo app makes it much more convenient for customers to reach a practice and book future appointments.
How do supercharged SMS messages look?
Supercharged SMS messages have an additional line of text appended at the end of the SMS. Here’s how they look:
1. Appointment confirmation SMS
This contains a message to help patients easily book their next appointments: “Book your future appointments in a single tap using Practo’s free app <link>”
2. Appointment reminder SMS
This contains a message to help patients easily navigate to your practice: “Download our free app to get turn by turn navigation <link>”
Which SMS messages are supercharged?
Currently two messages are supercharged:
1. Appointment confirmation SMS
2. Appointment reminder SMS
These are currently available for English-language SMS messages for all Practo Ray customers. We’re working hard on supercharging more SMS messages!
How can I go back to regular SMS?
For your convenience, supercharged SMS messages are pre-enabled for your Practo Ray account. If you want to disable them, follow these steps:
1. Go to Settings > Communications
2. Untick the relevant checkboxes in the SMS messages
3. Done! All future SMS messages will be reverted to regular SMS messages and will stop having the Practo app download link.